Thursday, May 9, 2013

Kids Art

B and I used to do art ALL the time.  Every day.  And when Charley came along, I still managed to do it.  Lately, I haven't been into it.  The girls pull me in different directions, and it is hard for me to manage helping both of them with their work.  Also, their art room has been a disaster.  We tried storing some toys in there, and it ended up a big mess.  (The shelves we such a mess the girls couldn't put stuff away, even if they wanted to.)  So I picked up the toys and moved them upstairs (leaving their favorites on the one of the shelves.  I still need to move stuff around and clean out the playdoh bin, but at least I want to go in the room now.   Still, I love the art the girls do.  School and home and sushi dinner (they always drew stuff at SD.)  Here is a little sampling of B and Charley's art.

B's Art

The next few were done with blow pens.

 I don't know one B did this next one, but it was on my sewing machine for about a year.

This is one of my favorites.

B doesn't just work in marker.

 This is another favorite.  This is the picture B drew of Charley at Sushi Diner.
Charley hates it.  She says it is scary.
I, of course, LOVE IT! Hanging on my office wall right now.

Left is night, right is day.

Charley's Art

There isn't as much, or maybe I don't take as many pictures.  She is getting better.
As of today, she started drawing faces.  She paints better than she draws.  Just like her mom.





These are from school.  Paintings come home every day.

Charley likes to mix media.  If I leave a painting on the
easel, she'll add to it with chalk or marker.

Chatch did this at school and I LOVE IT!

 Charley and I did this while B was at a frog class. (There needed to be
a distraction, because Cha Cha wanted to go
to the frog class as well - Frogs are her favorite, you know - at least at the moment.)
 There are actually two more.  We used my paints.


And here is some art we all did together. Which, at first, I 
didn't want to do, but I am glad I did.  The girls had a blast, and the
mess wasn't as big as I thought it would be.
(Let's hope I have the same sentiment after
we try painting like Jackson Pollack.)

Just a little bit of paint on the feet.

 Both girls came up with different ways to paint their feet.
Stripes vertically and horizontally.  B had me paint the colors of the
rainbow from each toe down to her heel.




(they actually did another, with hands and feet)

And here is one of the walls in my art room.
(You'll notice the portrait of Charley as well
as the black dots Chatch did at school.)

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