Monday, June 10, 2013

How Is it Possible? B's Kindergarten Graduation

This was in late August, 2012.

This was 31 May 2013. Kindergarten Graduation Day.

Now, I know some people think Kindergarten graduation is crazy. But, personally, I love it. I remember going to my nephew and nieces' graduations, and they sang songs and were so cute. Now it was B's time to be cute, and I loved every minute. Except the minutes I was a little teary.

B was so excited when she woke up.

She had a half day of school, then just the kindergarteners ate lunch at school. Kind of a last lunch.

LIttle sister didn't (and still doesn't) understand that the fuss was not about her.

Arriving at school.

Last morning at her cubby.

Here is the peanut gallery. My sister came too, but you know, she is like me and doesn't like to be immortalized on the internet.

I made B's dress, and there may or may not have been a strap malfunction right before the "ceremony" started. Mike, B's valet, made a last minute save with a stapler. There she is coming out of the door.

They kids not only received a diploma, but an autograph book with photos of their school mates along with little notes from them. The directress put together a great collage frame of pictures of the kids, and their teachers. There was also an all about me book with self portraits, drawings, questionnaires.

The kids recited a poem and sang a song.

Afterwards we at cake (well, I didn't, wah wah wah) and had an ice cream sundae bar. How awesome is this cake?

My girls loved the ice cream and time with their cousins.

Not a drop on the dress. 'Cause I am not sure it would make it through the wash.

B changed back into her play clothes and ran around with her friends. Some she will see again, so she won't. Her one friend moved away the same day. She will miss him, I know she gave him a giant squeeze! I can't believe she is going to first grade in another school. She was at Montessori for five years. I know she will miss her teachers. Will they miss her? Probably. B is a unique kid. She is very forth coming and will ask a lot of questions and say funny things (sometimes unknowingly). B is also a challenge. She isn't the best listener - and when I say this, I mean she hears you, you will just get a debate if she doesn't agree with you. Which, may be a good quality when she is older, but kind of sucks now. Strong willed to the end, that kid is. Anyway. Here are some not so lovely family portraits. Lucky Mike, he always looks good.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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