Thursday, December 1, 2011

Johnson Has Arrived!

Did I mention our Elf on the Shelf last year?  I think I did.  Our Elf's name is Johnson and he arrived sometime while we were sleeping.  We read the Elf in the Shelf book last night to remind ourselves of Johnson's job this holiday season.  B also talked about what Johnson would eat and where he would be when she woke up.  B found the elf in front of the TV, sitting in her Halloween goodie bag, eating Skittles.  (yes, we still have candy left.  B only get a treat a day, plus, all the good stuff (read Snickers and Butterfinger and 100 Grands) are gone.  All morning B talked about what Johnson will eat next and he needs to take her Christmas list to Santa (I need to photograph her list.  She drew pictures and spelled out the words herself.).  If the Elf ends up anywhere else amusing (Johnson set the bar high on the first day) I'll be sure to let you know.  Waiting on pins and needles aren't you?

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Love it!! Casson (our elf, named by marin) has arrived also! I love that he was eating the skittles!!